


School Board Unanimously Approves Adoption of设想 数学 2.0

At the March 7, 2018 School Board meeting, the Board voted to approve设想数学2.0 as the official instructional material for middle school 数学 instruction beginning in the 2018-2019 school year. 的设想 课程是与标准一致的, offers a mix of conceptual 和 procedural learning, 和 has excellent supports for students working at all levels.


的 process to select new instructional materials for middle school 数学 began in February 2017 with the issuing of a Request for Proposals 和 the formation of an adoption committee. Vendors submitted proposals for 11 different instructional materials in March 2017 for review:

  1. 伟大的想法
  2. 关联数学项目3(CMP3)
  3. 核心关注数学
  4. 设想数学2.0
  5. 尤里卡数学
  6. 交谈之后数学
  7. 格伦科数学与亚历克斯
  8. 去数学
  9. I-Ready
  10. 关注数学
  11. 开放的数学

格伦科数学与亚历克斯 和 I-Readyexceeded the budget limits 和 were not reviewed for content or cultural responsiveness in Stage 1.


To help inform the work of the adoption committee, a ‘needs assessment’ survey was sent to SPS families 和 teachers. It was clear that both the community 和 teaching 工作人员 had similar goals for middle school instructional materials: 

  • Flexibility for teachers, students, 和 families
  • 符合国家标准
  • Inclusion of facts 和 procedures along with opportunities for students to explore 和 make meaning of the 数学.

收养委员会, 由教师组成, 工作人员, 社区成员, met on six occasions between March 和 June of 2017. Major activities of the committee in Stage 1 included:

  • Developing evaluation criteria for review of materials.
  • Reviewing submitted programs using the committee’s screening tool.
  • Reviewing 和 incorporating community feedback on each program.
  • Eliminating from consideration all programs determined to fail the required SPS Anti-Bias Screener.
  • Using the selection criteria to select two programs (设想交谈之后)进入第二阶段.


采用过程的第二阶段, usually referred to as the Pilot Stage or Pilot Program, consisted of a field test of the设想交谈之后instructional materials 和 online components. To gather information regarding the effectiveness 和 use of each instructional material, the adoption coordinators developed assessments to measure student academic growth towards mastery of st和ards, 进行课堂观察, 接受调查的试点教师, 和 held panel discussions with students. 除了, a second round of Family 和 Community Feedback was gathered, with materials from the two pilot curricula on display for community review in five schools throughout the district.

Recommendation Finalized: November-January 2018

在试验期结束时, the Adoption Committee met two additional times to review all feedback 和 data from the pilot. 基于这些反馈和数据, as well as a final review of both textbooks by committee members, the committee reached unanimous agreement to recommend设想 for adoption by the School Board. On January 4, 2018, the adoption process was validated by the Instructional Materials Committee.


Final approval by the School Board required a series of intermediate steps:

  • January – Board Action Report is circulated for internal approval.
  • 2月6日, 2018 – Curriculum 和 Instruction Policy Committee meeting to review the Board Action Report. Committee recommended approval by the School Board.
  • February 13, 2018 – 的 recommendation was introduced at the School Board meeting. Public comments were heard 和 Board members provided feedback 和 asked for follow-up clarification.
  • March 7, 2018 – 的 Board voted unanimously to approve the adoption.


的 new instructional materials are scheduled to be used starting in the 2018-2019 school year with continued use through 2027. In the Spring of 2018 the adoption coordinators developed plans for teacher professional development in the use of the new materials, including up to three days of training before the start of the 2018-2019 school year.



