


LGBTQIA资源 and Gender Affirming Care

For more in LGBTQIA supports within 正规买足球的App, go to  Health Education’s LGBTQ Programs, Curriculum, 和支持 webpage.


反式救生索: A hotline staffed by trans people for trans people offering direction emotional and financial support for those in crisis: 877-565-8860

特雷福项目(24/7): Crisis Line, Safe Space, and Support Center for LGBTQ Youth 25 and Younger.  1-866-488-7386

金郡热线 和支持

API兴高采烈 (m - f10 -4):免费, 保密, and culturally relevant hotline available to offer referrals, 信息, 安全计划, 并且支持所有语言. Focuses on supporting those impacted by domestic violence, 性侵犯, and human trafficking within the South 亚洲, 亚洲, 太平洋岛民, 以及LGBTIQ社区.1-877-922-4292; 206-325-0325


BGLAD @ Youth Eastside Services: BGLAD is a free weekly drop-in social support group for high-school youth, established as a welcoming and affirming space for people exploring or seeking support for their identities. BGLAD is co-facilitated by licensed 心理健康 professionals who have experience working with LGBTQ+ youth. The facilitators help members feel welcome, maintain the rules of mutual respect and 保密ity, and offer ideas and resources during group time. 425-747-4937

十棵树营地: Residential camping programs for LGBTQ+ youth and youth of LGBTQ+ families. 206-288-9568

雪松河诊所: Wellness and 变性人 services offered at clinics and online telemedicine. Includes reproductive and sexual health services, 激素疗法, screening and referrals for health, 心理健康, 以及药物滥用需求, and 变性人 services based on ICATH informed consent model. Offers free transportation if needed.800-572-4223

多元化的和谐: Queer-Straight Alliance Youth Chorus and safe space for singers 13-22 who identify as 酷儿, 同性恋, 女同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 质疑, 无性, 或盟军, 在许多其他方面. 电邮报名.

同性恋城市: Hub for LGBTQ Individuals seeks affirming and responsive resource, wellness, and 社区. 为青年, has meetings twice a month called Queer N’Teen to talk about 心理健康 support and 社区 building.

英格索兰性别中心: Mutual support and 教育 organization for 变性人, gender variant and gender酷儿 people, 以及支持他们的人. Provides peer 支持团体, 社区 engagement, 教育, and resources. 206-849-7859

兰伯特的房子: Around 50 different programs, activities, resources, and services for LGBTQ+ youth. 包括指导, 朋友上门接待区, 支持团体, 与天后共进晚餐, 酷儿电影之夜, 病例管理, free haircuts and tranzfermations, 和事件.206-322-2515 

在45街的邻居健康中心: Provides gender affirming care and sliding scale services for medical, 行为健康, 和牙科. 206-633-3350

西北网络: Network of Bi, Trans, Lesbian, and Gay Survivors of Abuse. Provides support for survivors, 社区 engagement, youth programs, and training.206-568-7777

西雅图同行: 同伴支持, 组, 券计划, 匿名艾滋病毒检测, and connection to resources for the LGBTQ 社区 impacted by addiction, 精神健康和/或艾滋病毒.206-322-2437

的事件:支持小组, 教育, 和宣传 around sexual orientation, 性别认同, 性别表达. Has specific 组 for LGBTQ+ people, family, 和盟友. 206-325-7724

强大的声音: Provides an employment program, 病例管理, and empowerment programs for girls*(*a girl is anyone who identifies as one) in middle schools and juvenile detention. 206-860-1026

酷儿青年: A video production and media literacy training for LGBTQ youth and their allies ages 13-20. Full and partial scholarships are available.

西雅图儿童性别诊所:关爱儿童, 青少年, and youth whose 性别认同 is different from their sex at birth and do not identify with traditional definitions of male or female. 提供青春期阻滞剂, 跨性别的激素, 心理健康 support and readiness discussion, 自闭症性别诊所. 206-987-2028

青少年饲料: Free 保密 programs and hot meals responding to basic needs of homeless and at-risk youth at various University District meal sites. 206-522-4366 

@YAM华盛顿: Youth Advocacy 媒体 supports 酷儿 youth in 华盛顿 State with resources, 社区, 和宣传. 同志城的一部分.

青年说: (A Program of Arts Corps): Collective for youth spoken word poetry, creating avenues for youth voices through creative writing instruction and performance opportunities. 206-722-5440


Youthcare: Drop in and overnight shelters located in University District, Downtown, and South Seattle. Has 病例管理, basic need support, medical care, meals, and support with legal aid.206-622-5555


COLAGE: Network for people with one or more 女同性恋, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 酷儿, 双性, 和/或无性亲本.

Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) 华盛顿 State: Advocacy and 教育 to organize around LGBTQ+ affirming public policy, 教师培训, 学生活动, 教育, 父母, 和盟友. 206-330-2099

性别正义联盟: Provides safe house, financial assistance, and social justice advocacy. 206-538-0423

TransFamilies: Run English and Spanish parent 支持团体, 跨性别青年领导力项目, 专题小组, 青年支援小组, 也是健康资源的中心, 教育, 和宣传. 1 - 855 - 4 -性别

Free Access to Gender Affirming K-12 E-Books

Rainbow Library Community Reads Project: List and access instructions to gender affirming LGBTQ+ affinity books for K-12

Safe Access Restroom App for Transgender, Intersex, and Nonbinary Individuals

避难所厕所: Refuge Restrooms is a web application that seeks to provide safe restroom access for 变性人, 双性, and gender nonconforming individuals. Users can search for restrooms by proximity to a search location, 添加新的洗手间列表, as well as comment and rate existing listings.