Seattle Public Schools

School Board

Student Outcomes Focused Governance

Seattle School Board Student Outcomes Focused Governance

西雅图买正规足球比赛的app负责确保该地区在坚持社区安全价值观的同时实现社区对西雅图学生的愿景, anti-racist, high-quality learning environments.

Under Student Outcomes Focused Governance (SOFG), the School Board sets goals for student outcomes, based on the community’s vision for the district, and guardrails, 根据社区的价值观来决定如何实现愿景.

The SOFG Goals and Guardrails, adopted by the board on August 25, 2021 and revised October 26, 2022*, are aligned with Seattle Excellence 以及战略计划中提出的目标普遍主义行动理论.

目标和护栏使战略计划更加集中, actionable, 并为董事会提供明确的问责标准,以监督学生的成绩,而不是成年人的意见. It is in this manner that the board works, continuously, to create the conditions for superintendent, administrator, teacher and ultimately, student success.

西雅图买正规足球比赛的app负责确保该地区在坚持社区安全价值观的同时实现社区对西雅图学生的愿景, anti-racist, high-quality learning environments.

In order to accomplish this, 西雅图买正规足球比赛的app认识到需要明确其重点和协调行动, practices, beliefs, and behaviors, from the boardroom to the classroom, to said vision and values. 没有成人行为的改变,学生成绩的改变是不可能的——西雅图买正规足球比赛的app致力于做出改变,将学生的成绩作为其管理的中心,并定期监测其朝着这一目标的进展.

Beginning in March 2021, 西雅图买正规足球比赛的app与大城市学校委员会合作,审查并将地区治理转变为以学生成果为重点的治理(SOFG)模式.

This framework, consistent with and drawing from the Policy Governance model, 是否将为地区提供越来越多的理事会之间的目标一致性, central office, and school buildings; clear foci and delineation for Board (governance) and staff work (management and implementation); increased effectiveness of board use of time; and, ultimately, improved outcomes for students. More information about Student Outcomes Focused Governance.

Under SOFG, the School Board sets goals for student outcomes, based on the community’s vision for the district, and guardrails, 根据社区的价值观来决定如何实现愿景.

The SOFG Goals and Guardrails, adopted by the board on August 25, 2021 and revised October 26, 2022*, are aligned with Seattle Excellence 以及战略计划中提出的目标普遍主义行动理论.

目标和护栏使战略计划更加集中, actionable, 并为董事会提供明确的问责标准,以监督学生的成绩,而不是成年人的意见. It is in this manner that the board works, continuously, to create the conditions for superintendent, administrator, teacher and ultimately, student success.

*The goals and guardrails revisions adopted in 2022 (1) incorporated a focus on consistent and reliable operations with the replacement of Guardrail 2; (2) revised language in Guardrail 1 to provide greater clarity regarding linguistic and ADA accessibility in family engagement; and (3) revised language in Guardrail 5 to include a definition of welcoming environments in alignment with Board Policy No. 0030, 确保教育及种族平等及地区基本规则, Rights, and Responsibilities.



  1. 在三年级智能平衡评估中达到英语语言艺术水平或更高水平的黑人男孩的比例将从2019年6月的28%增加, to 70% in June 2024.
  2. 7年级黑人男孩和青少年在7年级智能平衡评估中数学达到熟练或更高水平的比例将从2019年6月的23%增加, 到2024年6月达到45%,到2026年6月达到70%——基本上在3年内翻了一番,5年内达到70%的目标.
  3. 成功完成至少一门高级课程的黑人男孩和青少年的百分比将从2019年6月的54%增加到2024年6月的62%


  1. 如果不让远离教育公正的有色人种学生和他们的家庭参与进来,督学不会允许学校和地区的倡议向前推进, 包括那些有英语以外的首选语言和需要为残疾提供便利的人.
  2. 主管不会允许操作系统提供不可靠的服务.
  3. 管理员不允许在中心办公室有成人行为, school buildings, 或者与全区视野不一致的教室, values, and anti-racism initiatives.
  4. 主管不允许使用纪律处分来代替对学生的文化反应性行为和社会情感支持, with and without disabilities.
  5. The Superintendent will not allow any district department, school building, or classrooms to provide unwelcoming environments. Per Board Policy No. 0030, 温馨的环境反映和支持该地区学生群体的多样性, their families, and community and promote a sense of belonging.

Progress Monitoring

Goals and Guardrails Progress Monitoring

Through monitoring our progress toward these goals, 我们将确保我们的学生和家庭建立对学区和学校的信任和信心.

Review the data

Student Outcomes Focused Governance Implementation

Over the course of the next year, 买正规足球比赛的app和SPS工作人员将努力实施以学生成果为重点的治理转变. This will include board training sessions, community engagement, progress monitoring of the goals and guardrails, and substantive changes in board practices and policies.

In June 2022, 董事会主席赫西成立了一个特设治理委员会,为董事会实施以学生成果为重点的治理(SOFG)制定计划和时间表。. Directors Hampson, Rankin, 7月1日至9月30日担任委员会委员,主持工作, 2022.

委员会确定了董事会实行的八个工作领域, structures, 政策需要修改,以过渡到以学生成果为中心的治理.

The eight areas were:

  • Implementation Timeline
  • Board Committees
  • Policy Manual
  • Board Meeting Agenda
  • Board-Superintendent Relationship
  • Board Accountability
  • Board Action Report
  • Community Engagement

The committee conducted research, reviewed SOFG guidance documents, interviewed staff, 并在撰写建议时采访了外部专家. Committee members identified the necessary steps, policy revisions, board or staff actions, and timeline for each transition area.


在此查看董事会行动报告和建议的完整摘要: 买正规足球比赛的app行动报告-接受董事会特设管治委员会关于实施以学生成果为重点的管治的建议

View the Implementation Timeline here: 西雅图买正规足球比赛的app以学生成果为重点的治理实施时间表, last updated October 17, 2023.